Brow Game

Brow Game

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years as a makeup artist, it’s that the right tools make all the difference, whether it’s makeup brushes, an eyelash curler, or especially tweezers. A cheap-o pair of drugstore tweezers is going to do more harm than good. (Brows aside, how are you going to get a splinter out with a pair of club foot-like tweezers).

A quality pair of tweezers has flat panels that are flush when they touch, which is what gives them the super power of gripping even the most stubborn brow hair. There are a few different types of tweezer shapes, but my preferred shape is Slanted. The angle is just right in your hand, the tip is tapered thin enough to go right up against your skin (ie: right up against where the hair follicle is exiting the surface) allowing you to nab that new growth right when it’s coming in. I believe in daily maintenance for brows and there are a few products I can’t live without in the brow department.

Rubis Tweezers

Rubis Tweezers

These are the tweezers in my medicine cabinet and I would cry if I was ever without a pair. They are the best tweezers I’ve ever used, always finding, gripping and pulling out even the tiniest, most invisible hairs. The weight of them in my hand is perfect, and although you may never have given any thought to how a pair of tweezers is balanced or calibrated, I sure have, and so have the fine folks at Rubis, which is why they’re so excellent. These are the Rolls Royce of tweezers.

Brow Gal Scissors 

When you’re grooming brows, it’s not always about removing hair, but also about shaping them. I carry these scissors in my kit because they’re not only gorgeous, but also I often find myself either not wanting to pull that one hair, the one that could make or break the shape of the brow or there are a few hairs that need taming, not removing. Giving them a trim is your best solution. They’re also super handy to have around  to tackle the errant thread.


Brow Gal Tweezer Sharpeners

What a simple, genius product this is. Tweezers can take a beating in a makeup bag or from being dropped on a bathroom floor. Those bumps and bruises can dull the tips and make the pads not line up right, which can make cleaning up your brows more like an MMA fight than a moment of self care. Admittedly, most people don’t think to buy new tweezers with any regularity, so most likely the ones you have are really old. Using these tweezer sharpeners will give your beloved tools a new lease on life, and give you many more months of frustration-free plucking.

Surratt Expressioniste Brow Pomade

A well groomed brow frames the eyes and does wonders for tidying up the place (or face). But using a gel can feel really wet and sticky and crunchy, and that feeling isn’t for everyone. This ingenious product is a pomade that you brush through your brows, keeping them in place but without the stiffness and shine of a brow gel. 



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